New Whitepaper Reveals a Framework and Guiding Principles to Ensure We Can Safeguard Human Connectedness in an AI-Driven World

Our relationship with computers is changing substantially. As AI development runs full steam ahead, in pursuit of trillions in revenue opportunities, more and more AI companions and chatbots are making their way into society with the promise of solving loneliness and isolation issues. Can they? That’s one of the key questions we explore.

Download our latest white paper to explore how AI can be a force for good in reducing loneliness and fostering human connection, while outlining a framework to call for standards, responsible development and education.

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Given the rapid introduction of Artificial Intelligence ("AI") based apps into society, the question of how social connectedness is impacted—for better or worse—needs to become an urgent priority for regulators, mental health professionals, technology innovators and society at large. Without this collaboration and effort, we risk we could see AI exacerbate the current loneliness and isolation epidemic (as declared by the US Surgeon General in 2023), materially beyond the levels it is at today.

Join the conversation and get engaged so we can collectively and successfully navigate the path that lies ahead.

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