The Story Behind was founded by Niten Luthra and Lina Trivedi who are both committed to impacting the community issues of loneliness an social isolation.


Niten and Lina are both driven by a personal desire to help busy people stay authentically connected with their inner circle of close friends and family. Why? Because research shows that over 80% of us struggle to build, strengthen and maintain our connectedness. People are isolated and experiencing feelings of loneliness more than ever before. We are made for community and what we carry through life are beautiful, happy and joyous moments with those that matter most.

Niten’s busy corporate life has caused him to experience feelings of loneliness for years, despite having friends and family all over the world. Determined to find a way to solve this problem, he conceived a foundational idea in 2021.

Lina has a special needs child who spent all of seventh grade in isolation. She knew first hand the pain caused by loneliness and isolation, and she is determined to make her daughter's life more joyous. A 20-year friendship has led to an opportunity to help countless people around the world.

In May of 2023, Niten and Lina joined forces to create a disruptive AI technology called Joii.AI to help proactively manage connectedness within the inner circle of family and trusted friends. An excited technology start-up journey began!

Niten and Lina are confident that can bring more joy and happiness to countless people.

Doing Life Together With Those That Matter Most

At, we know life can get busy. It’s easy to forget the people who matter most. True happiness comes from the experiences we create with our inner circle.

Niten and Lina created this book as a tool to serve as a reference of ideas to help you build, strengthen, and maintain connectedness with your inner circle. Absorb a few ideas at a time, and reflect on how the ideas can apply to your life.

Want to get your hands on this book? Sign up here to receive the announcements of our book release as soon as it becomes available!

Professional Coverage


Articles and Posts by Co-Founders of

June 1, 2023

Celebrating 30 Years In Technology

June 18, 2023

Learning From My Father, Follow Your Gut

August 27, 2023

Loneliness and Social Isolation

August 29, 2023

The Dark Side of Social Media

Professional Affiliations
